Okay, so i think it was thursday that i was grounded. I'm not supposed to be on the computer, but luckily stephanie let me get on here to check my facebook and read her blog, which i have done. (Both of them.) I'm probably not supposed to be on here right now because stephie gave me a half an hour to do those two things. I felt like writing on my blog, so i will do it while she's asleep. Yeah, I know she's probably reading this, but hey, who can blame me!!
Funny thing about the whole grounding situation! You see, i wan't grounded because of my grades (Which i am very proud of at the moment because i think i gots all A's.) and i wasn't grounded for something bad that i did, (Because I'm such an Awesome child!!). I was grounded for a reason no child would ever do if they weren't me. I was groudned because i made stephanie ground me. I wanted to read more! I know, why the heck would ANY child want to be grounded just to read. Well, you see thats is the problem. I'm not just any child. I AM ME!! I am different than any child. I am a child like no other!! Who agrees with me?? ☻ You know that I am a different child, because i am actually enjoying my grounding! I am enjoying reading. I missed the thrill of finishing a book and wanting to start another! I LOVE IT!!! ♥♥
I finished the book 'the host' By Stephanie Meyer (is that how you speell her name???) Now, look at the title again. I know i usually dont capitalize the words that i am supposed to, but this time I did that on purpose because that is how it is on the cover and the side. No capitalization in the title wich i kind of find amuzing! I love that! Stephanie Meyer is an amazing Author! I LOVE HER BOOKS!! She is just the kind of author that i Love. She writes each of her books perfectly! and I love it... The book was freaking AMAZING!! Lots of action, and romance, and suspense... Ugh, those kind of authors just make me so giddy inside! I Loves it! Now I am reading another book by her, The last book of the Twilight Saga! VERY EXCITED! Stephanie decided that i was mature enough to read it. And i am enjoying very much!
Okay, If any guys are reading this, STOP NOW!!!! The next part is VERY FUNNY! but its just between us girls. Now, make sure you are away from the computer and you don't read the next part. You can if you want too, but you know, i would recommend you don't!
Anyway, Last night Stephanie and I were making supper and we were talking about Breaking Dawn. She leaned over to me and said, "Now, do we need to have the whole talk about the Birds and the Bees?" "No, I already talked about that stuff with mom." she nodded and said "Okay, but did she tell you Everything?" i looked at her. "Yes." She shrugged. "Okay, did she tell you that if you make muffins before your married you turn into an Antelope?" I looked at her. "She didn't tell you Everything did she?" I laughed and shook my head "No, Aparently not."That's what i Thought!" she said. Then i looked at her. and said, "You know, I wouldn't mind being an antelope. I would be walking and then i would be like-" And i posed like a jumping deer. We both laughed. She said "Oh, did i say Antelope? I meant Anteater. You'll be Ugly and you'll eat ants!" We laughed. "You know, If you come home some time with you're friends and you're an antelope, I'll know what happened!" she told me. I Laughed and said, "Yeah, I would be getting out of the car and you would look out the window and i would look at you and be like-" then i posed as a jumping deer again. "Yeah, you'd say, 'I'm Completly innocent! I just turned into an Antelope for no reason!" Tehehehehe....
Well, SNL is on now. Gwenyth Paltro ( I think that is her name) is hosting and Cee Lo is musical guest! Imma go watch that now!! PEACE OUT PEEPS!! and have an awesome weekend!!
A. Joy ♥
P.S. I love the weekend!!!